শুক্রবার, ১৬ নভেম্বর, ২০১২

Video: Train collides with parade honoring veterans

>>> a horrible accident in midland, texas, yesterday has claimed the lives of four u.s. military veterans, including a two-time purple heart recipient from the iraq war . it happened during an event to honor the veterans. our report tonight from nbc's janet shamlian .

>> reporter: a scene in midland, a celebration of american heroes turns tragic, as two flat bed trailers, part of a parade honoring the veterans went across the track. witnesses say the arm lowered and a train slammed into the trailer.

>> i couldn't believe what i saw, as the arm came down, i heard the horn but it hit it within three seconds.

>> reporter: 16 were hurt, and four veterans who survived the battlefield lost their lives on the street. gary stouffer, army sergeant joshua michael, sergeant michael believed to have sacrificed his life for his wife, daylyn, when he pushed her from the trailer just before the impact.

>> it was chaos, loud, noisy, people were panicking.

>> reporter: the parade was just blocked from going through a banquet. they have collected video from the train and the escort car.

>> we just continue to pray together.

>> reporter: as a heartbroken community mourns the heroes that fell here at home. janet shamlian , nbc news, midland, texas.

Source: http://video.msnbc.msn.com/nightly-news/49861654/

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